Management of phyllody in fennel by intercropping and insecticide use


  • R K Jaiman, N R Patel, K D Patel, A V Agalodiya


Experiments were conducted during 2007–08 to 2010–11 at Centre for Research on Seed Spices, S.D. Agricultural University, Jagudan (Gujarat) for management of phyllody disease in fennel. Minimum incidence (9.80%) of phyllody with highest fennel equivalent yield (3035.28 kg ha-1) was observed in fennel inter cropped with green gram (1: 1). Maximum income Rs. 153632.60 ha-1 was observed in fennel + green gram intercropping. Minimum incidence of phyllody (9.19%) with highest yield (1947.17 kg ha-1) was recorded in seedling root dip in 0.04% Imidacloprid plus one spray of 0.005% Imidacloprid after one month of transplanting followed by seedling grown in 40 mesh nylon cloth net.



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How to Cite

K D Patel, A V Agalodiya, R. K. J. N. R. P. (2013). Management of phyllody in fennel by intercropping and insecticide use. Journal of Spices and Aromatic Crops, 22(1), 06–10. Retrieved from